Skin Infections

Cellulits Skin Problems / Treatments


What is Cellulitis ?

Cellulitis sounds a lot like cellulite, but the two conditions have nothing in common. Cellulite is dimpled skin caused by fatty deposits. Cellulitis is a painful skin infection that happens when bacteria enter a break in your skin. It can become life-threatening if left untreated, so call your doctor ASAP if you have a red, swollen, tender rash.

Watch For These Symptoms :

Cellulitis most often affects the lower leg, but you can get it on other body parts. Common sites include the arm, eye area, breast, and belly. Not everybody has the same symptoms, but these are typical:

  • Dull pain or tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Warmth
  • Fever and chills
  • Swollen glands and lymph nodes
  • Painful rash that may blister and scab



Cellulitis requires antibiotic treatment. What you get depends on how serious your conditions is:

Severe: You’ll get antibiotics into a vein in your arm (the doctor will call this intravenous).
Mild: The doctor will give you oral antibiotics, like cephalexin and dicloxacillin.

Once the doctor prescribes an oral antibiotic for you, take it right away and finish the medicine as prescribed. Remember, cellulitis can be dangerous without proper treatment.

To find out more about our Skin Infections Services in Sydney Central Business District

Or please call Sydney Premier Medical & Health Centre on (02) 8964 8677